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Thursday, November 15, 2012

Been working on the lighting taking a bit longer then i thought but over thanksgiving break all be able to finish out the lighting part and then work on texturing and UV unwraping the parts in the scene.  Here is a look at the scene, i thought of having a subway car in the scene but i wasn't able to find one online, and i had a friend that has a train model done and was able to use it with his permission and that i give him credit which of course i will do.  The scene right now is going for a abanonded old train around world war 1 or 2 in a underground train system that was forgotten after the war and its the present time now.  So its going to be overgrown with vinies and weeds going to have a little bit of fog to show atmosphere and going to have these rocks on the left side that are going to be covering the entrance way of what used to be the walkway path .  


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