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Thursday, September 20, 2012

Lighting idea for corridor scene added several lights in the scene Area lights and used final gather for this render example.  

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

 Progress of modeling this will be finished next week Friday with all the basic modeling done

This is my progress on the Corridor i have modeled all of the basic parts of the scene now to adding the smaller objects like the lights and then work on the UV unwrapping and then work on the textures for the scene.

List of Objectives for 445

Focusing on Lighting and Texturing and Learning on Creating Realism in my models and also learning about texturing food if i have time.

Wanting to create two  scenes to work on in learning about how to create realism to a scene.

Working on showing realism in a scene that has a space corridor that has showing it being used and show wear and tear on certain objects, .

Working on the lighting as well as the texturing in the scene.

The scene in creating  a interior scene inside a subway tunnel which is modeled scene i have done so i would be creating the textures for the scene and lighting.

Working showing the grunginess in the textures in the tunnel, the sides of the walls and having it be a abandoned tunnel graffiti on the walls and running water down the sides, showing ivy generation around the walls, abandoned feeling.

Time line for the scenes i want to have the 1 scene done by around last  week of  October.

2nd scene i want to be finished by  the first week of December
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