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Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Rendered a image of it final gather on it, took 10 min i have to change the textures on the right side the pipes look very off, the bump on the steps to much but i just wanted to show what i had so far, put mia-material x on them i really them a lot, i have ivy working but the TIFF is crashing it that and its a ton of  ivy but i might be able to do it in pass of each group of ivy so all try that this weekend.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Worked on this for quite a bit have a fair bit to finish but on schedule to finish it.  Worked on texturing the objects the Train and the walls and the steps i did and added fog to the scene and lighting.  Have to add ivy and vines on the objects and texture the pipes.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Been working on the lighting taking a bit longer then i thought but over thanksgiving break all be able to finish out the lighting part and then work on texturing and UV unwraping the parts in the scene.  Here is a look at the scene, i thought of having a subway car in the scene but i wasn't able to find one online, and i had a friend that has a train model done and was able to use it with his permission and that i give him credit which of course i will do.  The scene right now is going for a abanonded old train around world war 1 or 2 in a underground train system that was forgotten after the war and its the present time now.  So its going to be overgrown with vinies and weeds going to have a little bit of fog to show atmosphere and going to have these rocks on the left side that are going to be covering the entrance way of what used to be the walkway path .  

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Here is what i have so far, all the object in this scene i have made.  I am going to try to find a subway car online that i could use, but if not i will model it myself too.

this 2nd project will be a underground subway system that been out of operation for many years and a subway car's that will be old and rusted and run down with vines growing around it.  Here are examples of what i am going for in my concept pictures.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

This is the finishing touches of the 1st project in creating a scene that grungy and realistic using maya/mentle ray.     The image below was worked on the textures in creating realism with finding textures that would work for the scene.  There is linear workflow in this scene all the textures have been added gamma correction in maya.   The scene i will update with a short animation of the scene of moving through the corridor.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Worked on Adding Detail to the metal materials in the scene, created the lighting in the top to have a older worn look.  Added a bump,spec,reflect maps on the metal objects.  Need to finish up the floor and do some work on some more lighting.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Lighting idea for corridor scene added several lights in the scene Area lights and used final gather for this render example.  

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

 Progress of modeling this will be finished next week Friday with all the basic modeling done

This is my progress on the Corridor i have modeled all of the basic parts of the scene now to adding the smaller objects like the lights and then work on the UV unwrapping and then work on the textures for the scene.

List of Objectives for 445

Focusing on Lighting and Texturing and Learning on Creating Realism in my models and also learning about texturing food if i have time.

Wanting to create two  scenes to work on in learning about how to create realism to a scene.

Working on showing realism in a scene that has a space corridor that has showing it being used and show wear and tear on certain objects, .

Working on the lighting as well as the texturing in the scene.

The scene in creating  a interior scene inside a subway tunnel which is modeled scene i have done so i would be creating the textures for the scene and lighting.

Working showing the grunginess in the textures in the tunnel, the sides of the walls and having it be a abandoned tunnel graffiti on the walls and running water down the sides, showing ivy generation around the walls, abandoned feeling.

Time line for the scenes i want to have the 1 scene done by around last  week of  October.

2nd scene i want to be finished by  the first week of December
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